Flying Home With Your Puppy Making the trip home easier for you and your new puppy! As breeders, we love the feelings of sending a litter of beautiful pups off to their new homes. Those days are filled with excitement and joy–for us and the families who have been...
Driving Home With Your Puppy Making the trip home easier for you and your new puppy! The Scouts’ motto, “Be Prepared” holds true for being successful with most things in life. Knowing what to expect and how to handle what happens as you travel home with your puppy...
97 Ways To Create Great Puppies Within these pages you will find a comprehensive listing of some of the things we, as breeders, do with our dams and puppies while they are in our care, as well as things we encourage our puppy buyers to do with their pups once they...
The 49 Day Myth The article below is an article reprinted with permission from Gun Dog Magazine entitled “Why Not Seven Weeks? The Forty-Ninth Day Revisited” written by Dr. Ed Bailey. Why reprint the article that appeared in Gun Dog 13:5. Apr/May 1994? Wasn’t...